Send a request to get the network record, including objects and streams, from the WCC server.
Send a request to get the object record, including streams, from the WCC server.
Send a request to get the stream record from the WCC server.
Send a request to get points from the WCC server.
Within a network, an object is identified by a unique alphanumeric ID. This ID may contain any number of letters ([A-Za-z]), digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), and underscores ("_"). Though not required, it is recommended that the ID begins with a letter. Other characters, such as hashtags, ("#"), colons (":"), and periods ("."), are not permitted and will be removed from the ID. Once an object has been created, the ID cannot be changed.
The name is a short and descriptive title for the object. The name serves as a simple and user-friendly alternative to the object ID for use in apps and other interfaces. While it is not required for the name to be unique within the network, it is recommended. The object name may be any string (ASCII/UTF-8).
Select an object
Within an object, a stream is identified by a unique alphanumeric ID. This ID may contain any number of letters ([A-Za-z]), digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), and underscores ("_"). Though not required, it is recommended that the ID begins with a letter. Other characters, such as hashtags, ("#"), colons (":"), and periods ("."), are not permitted and will be removed from the ID. Once a stream has been created, the ID cannot be changed.
The name is a short and descriptive title for the stream. The name serves as a simple and user-friendly alternative to the stream ID for use in apps and other interfaces. While it is not required for the name to be unique within the object, it is recommended. The stream name may be any string (ASCII/UTF-8).
All points stored in the stream must have this type
Change the object's user-friendly name
Select a stream
Change the stream's user-friendly name